
New Creative Trading co. is the authorized agent of Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR-Germany) for the territory of the Sultanate of Oman. We have pleasure in advising you that “MR Germany” is the world renowned leader in the OLTC technology and they have the widest experience in this field. MR Germany is more than 100 years old and we are proud to add that they are the pioneers in the field of On-Load Tapchangers and related products. They have more than 80 nos. of Tapchanger Specialists who are fully engaged in the inspection and maintenance of the On-Load Tapchangers right from Far east to United States of America throughout the year.

Only MR-Germany personnel are familiar with the whole variety of tap-changers and motor drive types and is continuously updated and trained at our home base in Regensburg, Germany. Especially the updating of the on-load tap changer is an important feature of our maintenance performance. During production nowadays, each product is subject to an innovation process triggered by the use of new materials, new experience put into practice etc.